The combination of Latinised genus and species name introduced by Carl von Linné (1707-1778)Carl von Linné is known as the binomenal, binary or binominal nomenclature.
The genus name is always capitalised, the species name (or epithet) is always written in lower case.
A complete description of a species is followed by the name of the first describer (or an abbreviation of his name) and, separated by a comma, the year of publication of the description. If the name of the first describer and the date are enclosed in brackets, the original genus assignment of the first describer has been changed.
Nymphalis antiopa (Linnaeus, 1758) |
Nymphalis = Genus antiopa = Species Linnaeus = First descriptor 1758 = Year of publication ( ) = Classification has been changed |
Forms or true subspecies are designated by an additional name following the species name. The entire name is then referred to as a trinomen. This is usually followed by the (possibly abbreviated) name of the first describer, possibly followed by the year of publication of the description.
An additional abbreviation can be placed between the species name and form/subspecies name to identify the type, e.g:
- ssp. for subspecies (= subspecies)
- var. for variation
- f. for form
- ab. resp. abr. for aberration
Vanessa antiopa ab. roederi Stdf |
Vanessa = Genus antiopa = Species ab. = Aberration roederi = Name of aberration Stdf = Abbreviation of the descriptor (here: Standfuss) |
To emphasise that this is the Nominiform or (new) nominotypic taxon: Taxon defined by the same name-bearing type as the higher-ranking taxon to which it itself belongs.Type Species, the species name is used as the subspecies name.
Nymphalis antiopa antiopa (Linnaeus, 1758) |
Nymphalis = Genus antiopa = Species antiopa = Name of subspecies Linnaeus = First descriptor 1758 = Year of publication ( ) = Classification has been changed |
In the case of preparations, the catcher of the specimen is indicated after the abbreviation leg. (lat. legit = has collected).
Nymphalis antiopa ssp. hyperborea (leg. Norbert Kondla) |
Nymphalis = Genus antiopa = Species hyperborea = Name of subspecies Norbert Kondla = Catcher of the specimen |
When deciding on the choice of scientific names for butterflies, my initial naivety (What's the problem...?) was followed by a lack of orientation (...???), then a certain, albeit certainly amateurish, sensitisation to the fundamental problem and finally the agony of choice. The decision was then made less out of conviction (for which my expertise is not sufficient), but rather for pragmatic reasons (you just have to decide in favour of something).
The scientific names of family, subfamily, genus and species of listed butterflies used by me are identical to the names used in Lepiforum e.V.: Bestimmung von Schmetterlingen und ihren Präimaginalstadien.
Within the pages of I use a well-known common colloquial name for display, as far as this is possible. If you hover over the name with the mouse pointer, other colloquial and scientific names are displayed in a tooltip.
Camberwell BeautyNymphalis antiopa (Linnaeus, 1758)Mourning CloakCamberwell Beauty --- Nymphalis antiopa is displayed when the mouse cursor is moved over it.
If there is no common colloquial name, the scientific name is displayed.
Ichneumon fossoriusIchneumon fossorius
Almost all the information on this website has been researched from books and specialist articles. Of course, the Internet itself has also been used as a source of information.
The sources are listed so that the reader can find out the origin of a statement and, if necessary, carry out further research at the source. In cases where information comes from many sources, one of them has been selected as representative.
A reference to a source is usually labelled with the following symbol: Lampert, 1907 - Die Großschmetterlinge und Raupen Mitteleuropas mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der biologischen Verhältnisse
If you move the mouse over the source symbol, you will see the author as well as the year and title of the source in the tooltip, e.g. Source: Lampert 1907 - Die Großschmetterlinge und Raupen Mitteleuropas mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der biologischen Verhältnisse - Ein Bestimmungswerk und Handbuch für Sammler, Schulen Museen und alle Naturfreunde.
In certain situations, the source is also written out: Lampert, 1907 - Die Großschmetterlinge und Raupen Mitteleuropas mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der biologischen Verhältnisse
Clicking on the source symbol takes you to the References page, which lists all the sources for
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