For species protection reasons, finding places of butterflies on maps are accidentally moved by a maximum of 1 kilometers. Show photo location (OpenStreetMap) Scarce SwallowtailIphiclides podalirius (Linnaeus, 1758)Sail SwallowtailPear-Tree SwallowtailScarce Swallowtail Schmetterlingsflieder (Buddleja davidii) mit einem Segelfalter (Iphiclides podalirius) im Ellerbachtal/Mosel Photograph: Ingo DanielsIngo Daniels; Ellerbachtal, Calmont/Mosel, Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyEllerbachtal, Calmont/Mosel, Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyCalmont/Mosel, Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyRhineland-Palatinate, GermanyGermany (8. July 2018, 10:18 AM)