For species protection reasons, finding places of butterflies on maps are accidentally moved by a maximum of 1 kilometers. Show photo location (OpenStreetMap) Camberwell BeautyNymphalis antiopa (Linnaeus, 1758)Mourning CloakCamberwell Beauty Sunbathing Camberwell Beauty (Nymphalis antiopa) on a Birch (Betula) trunk The Camberwell Beauty changed its position every about 5 minutes between a gravel path and the trunks of birch trees. Photograph: Ingo DanielsIngo Daniels; Botanischer Garten Dahlem, GermanyBotanischer Garten Dahlem (Berlin, Botanischer Garten Dahlem, GermanyBerlin), GermanyGermany (22. March 2012, 12:43 PM)