For species protection reasons, finding places of butterflies on maps are accidentally moved by a maximum of 1 kilometers.
Camberwell BeautyNymphalis antiopa (Linnaeus, 1758)Mourning CloakCamberwell Beauty
Nymphalis antiopa ssp. antiopa (ex larva)
[Breeding image; 60,5 mm]
Collection: Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn , Eing Nr.: 85/147
Subcollection: W. Panse
W. PanseW. Panse; Tolmezzo, Tolmezzo, Karnien, ItalyTolmezzo, Karnien,
ItalyTolmezzoTolmezzo, Tolmezzo, Karnien,
ItalyTolmezzo, Karnien,
Italy (25. June 1964)